Saturday, October 31, 2009

What's supposed to go on here?

I cannot offer anything that may be of consequence to anyone, living or dead.

So, here's some poetry, the most unassuming of propaganda.

Playing House

To You,
To Distant Memories:

I heard you got caught
making out
with another girl’s vah-jay-jay

Almost like once upon a time
when our own after-school television special
had squeals instead of canned laugh tracks
no less real
no less fake

The feeling we’d get
like we wanted to pee
but the pipes clogged
I sailed at half-mast
and like pirates, we raided
your dad’s treasured stash labeled
“Martha Stewart Presents: Home Cooking”

And then your VCR whirred like egg beaters
fast-forwarding scenes of fleshy Adonis beating her eggs
‘til his Super Soaker super-soaked her
you couldn’t get mine to work quite right
no matter how much you pumped it

Next Monday, I decided to return the favor
when I removed your peppermint Hanes
you didn’t know what Victoria’s Secret was then
but it’s Victor’s secret now

I licked you
you cried

And kept crying until mammy walked in
I told her that we were playing House

I still don’t understand why
I was never invited to yours again.



  1. lol, wow , this was totally NOT what I was expecting. Kool though.

  2. Haha, Vic. ever thought of publishing a book, titled: "Selected Poems: Childhood Memories"? :)

  3. LMAO @ Nick. That's so wrong

  4. Or oh so right. We could have pictures to color-in and fun tips.

    "Hey kids! Never swallow the crème inside deflated balloons, no matter how tasty it looks. It may not be fresh."

    Seriously, though, there are way too many hoops to jump through to publish a chapbook, much less a book. It's easier to be featured within niche publications, but that's too political for me to contemplate.

  5. that was very interesting. just wanted to confirm that your wrote that.

  6. "Hey kids! Never swallow the crème inside deflated balloons, no matter how tasty it looks. It may not be fresh." <---ahahahah I'm calling poison control on you...:)

  7. @Linda Confirmed. I just removed my full name from the poem because I intend to remain relatively anonymous.
